Sunday, March 17, 2013

How To Make Lipstick Out of Crayons

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I was messing around in the kitchen and found a box of crayons. I saw the non toxic, paraben free claims on the box. This made me think, which is never a good sign... Plenty of pigment, no harsh chemicals... It sounded like a lipstick! Keep reading to see how I attempted this!

Begin by collections your materials. You will need coconut oil for the base, olive oil for the shine, and crayons. Also make sure to have a spoon handy.

The first color I wanted to create was a soft coral. To get the perfect combination, I started off with Tickle Me Pink.

The other color that I added in was Burnt Orange. This gave me a mixture of cool and warm tones.


Next, light an old candle. I would recommend using one that you are not particularly fond of; I accidentally spilled a few ingredients here and there... I found this candle for a dollar at Walmart, so it did not hold much sentimental value!

Pour in some olive oil to your tablespoon. The reason I am not enclosing a presice measurement is because you can choose how much you want. The more you add, the shinier your lipstick will be. I am creating more of a buildable color that goes from sheer to opaque, so I started off with more and blotted away the excess with a paper towel.


Unwrap the paper around the crayons. I used about 1/4 of each crayon, so you do not have to unwrap the entire thing.

Cut off the amount that you want to use. Play around with lighter and darker ratios.

Now that the materials are prepared, put it all in your spoon! Instead of holding the spoon the entire time, I turned two coffee cups upside down to create a holder for it. What can I say, my hand got tired after a while!


This is how quickly the crayons melted for me. I used a mini candle, so you can cut the time in half by using a full sized one.

All that is left to do is pour it in a container! I decided to have them in pan form so I could create a palette.

I placed my pan in the refirdgarator for about ten minutes before using it. Placing it on a notecard or any type of paper prevents the product from sticking to the surface.

It is that easy! Here are the colors I have previously created. The new color is not in the palette yet. I should name these! Leave any suggestions in the comments.

At first, this felt like something I would try in my early teenage years. I have to admit, I was suspicious at first. Surprisingly, it does not have any waxy residue or taste to it. I really enjoyed creating them! Tell me in the comments if you will try this, and if so, what colors will you create? Make sure to leave name suggestions in the comments as well! Thanks for reading!


Perfectly Pink



A British Sparkle said...

I don't think i will do this personally. Very different not something i would of thought of. Had love to see what they look like on the lips.

Kate @ sparkle dust xx

Forever Fuchsia said...

Absolutely! Swatches are a great idea! I will whip up a few more shades/ formula combinations and show them. Thank you for reading!

Unknown said...

If you dont have coconut oil, can you use just olive oil? Or can you use tea tree oil? :)

Forever Fuchsia said...

Hi Dana! I would try adding the tee tree oil instead of the coconut oil. I'm not sure if it will be as soft, but it is worth a try! If you get a chance to try it, tell me how it works out!

Thanks for reading!

Unknown said...

This is a really good idea, but how does it look on the lips? And where did you get the little containers for the lip stick?

Jamie said...

Love this! So creative!

Forever Fuchsia said...

Swatches will be out if anyone is interested! I got them from Stars makeup haven online!

Anonymous said...

I never saw you use the coconut ooil am I missing something?

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