I tried it out and it was amazing! It could go from a normal day look to evening out look in seconds, all you had to do was make it thicker for nighttime. And, it was so intense, I have never seen a black, so, black! It also looked much sharper then regular eyeliner, because regular eyelinerr can smudge, and it doesn't always give you that wow factor that makes your eyes really stand out.
Then I started thinking, is there a mascara out there that can match this eyeliner? Mac's False Lashes Mascara does. It is an intense black, and it makes your eyelashes really thick and makes them stand out more.
If you want to learn a dramatic look to go with this eyeliner, go to my dramatic look post I did. Heres the link: http://www.foreverfuchsia.com/2012/05/dramatic-look.html
Thanks for reading! Please comment and tell me what you think!
--Glitter Girl
--Glitter Girl
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