Last summer I was at a store in Nantucket, and I saw the craziest hat. It was love at first sight. It has 4 big pink loops at the top, and then a pretty pale pink rose on the side. Then there is lace around the rose. So I ended up actually getting the hat. Now this is not a hat that I would put on and go down to the coffee shop. Its a very unique hat. It kind of reminds me of Princess Beatrice's hat at the royal wedding. I have never actually had the chance to wear it somewhere, but who knows, maybe there will be another royal wedding and I'll be invited...

Although its not nearly that crazy. But I think It would have fit in very well at the royal wedding. Probably my favorite hat there is the first one in the second row. Yes, it's the queens hat.
Although its not nearly that crazy. But I think It would have fit in very well at the royal wedding. Probably my favorite hat there is the first one in the second row. Yes, it's the queens hat.
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--Glitter Girl
Rijles Den Haag Hofstad rijopleiding is écht gevestigd in Den Haag Wij helpen je met het behalen van je autorijbewijs na je rijexamen leer je pas echt autorijden Wij helpen je een heel eind op weg om het verkeer in Den Haag én in Nederland de baas te zijn Wij gaan voor kwalitatief rijden!
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