Hello Again!
Today I am going to tell you about this awesome new store I found out about yestarday. It's called Delias. They have the cutest clothing ever! I highly suggest going to their website and ordering a free catalog. Delias is great because they have super cute clothing, thats in style, unique, and there's something for everyone. So I thought I would show you some of my favorite items from there!
First is this adorable Ballerina Dress. It comes in many diferent patterns, and each one is super cute. This just shows that if you add a little something to a dress, it can go from casual to dressy in just minutes. Like for example the blue dress is very casual, but for the pink one they added some flowers on the front and so it's dressy.
Second is these cool lace shirts. Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutey love lace. Since these shirts are super see-through you must wear a cami under it, and it would look great if you put a different colored cami under the shirt to add some contrast. This shirt also comes in lime green, red, blue, and pink.
Then third, Delia's has this adorable bathing suit collection. This one is by far my favorite out of all of them. What I love is that with all of there collections you can get any pattern on any type of bathing suit. my favorite one is the first one.
I hope you liked this post!
--Glitter Girl
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