Every girl has trouble doing there hair in the morning when they are rushing. To try and help, here are some quick and easy ideas that can definetly be done in under 5 minutes with only some clips, and a hairbrush.
First, this is a messy side bun. To do this
1, Brush all of your hair, the out it up in a pony tail wherever you want. It can be on the side, up high, or a low pony.
2. Then take the pony tail and make it into a messy ball, or I like to roll it onto a cinimon roll shape.
3. Then take a hair elastic and put in around the bun. If you have very thick hair you might want to use 2 elastics.
Ok, the next type is a side braid.
This is fairly easy to do.
1. Brush your hair and put it all on one side.
2. Seperate the hair into three strands.
3. Then braid your hair!
--Glitter Girl
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