Hello Readers!
I love doing french manicures..... They look amazing and super hard to do! But truly with a little practice it is easy! You will look like you went to a salon and spent lots of cash getting it done, but really you have done it for barely anything at home! If you do these French Manicures, you will be sure to get lots of compliments!
First, clean your nails even if you have no nail polish on them. This will just prep your nails, and make sure they are super clean. Because with these french manicures, even the slightest dot will show up.

Finally, put some nail polish remouver on a Q-tip, and go around your nail. This will get rid of any white that isn't in the right spot! It also cleans up the look and makes it look neater.
Voila! I hope you enjoy your french manicure! Just keep practicing and you will get it! Comment and tell me what your secret is to making the white line perfect! And follow us if you haven't already!
Hi lovely,
I really like this post! I can't wait to see what you do next !
Come check out my blog, maybe we can follow each other:)
Have a great Evening!
Fashion tea at 5
Thanks! I would love to follow your blog! What is it called?
Thanks! We'll check it out!
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