Hello Readers!
Perfectly Pink and I are obsessed with a bold red lip, and I love how it just really pops. So I toned down the eye makeup, so that the red lips pop even more, and when I was done I realized it look vintage! Like in those old movies...
Now to the same thing with Naked Lunch, just keep layering it up towards the eyebrow. But there is no need to go all the way to the eyebrow! Unless you want to of course...

Next slightly out Patina on top of that, and by putting it on top I don't mean completely covering up Patina, just keeping bringing the look towards the eyebrows. (But you don't have to go nearly that high!)

And finally, take cork and put on the final layer, and put some in the inner corner if you want. That creates a darker look, but I preferred to keep it light so I didn't put it in the inner corner. Try to keep the eye look as light as possible, so the lips will really pop.

And to finish off the eyes, you need some long black lashes! The best mascara to do this with is Mac False Lashes. It is the best mascara to get the long black dramatic lashes!

Then, to top it off with a bold lip, use Tart Fiery Matte Lip Tint. This is amazing! It is a deep bright red, it works better than any other lipstick I have ever tried... I suggest that to get a really neat line, use a lip brush, because the tip of the lip tint is rather thick. If you want to make it glossy you can add some lip gloss on top, because this is really matte.
Try taking some pictures of yourself outside with this look, you will be amazed by the results! Perfectly Pink and I did this look for some pictures and it was amazing!
Comment and tell me what your favorite lip product is to create a bold red lip! And follow us already is you already haven't!
Perfectly Pink and I are obsessed with a bold red lip, and I love how it just really pops. So I toned down the eye makeup, so that the red lips pop even more, and when I was done I realized it look vintage! Like in those old movies...
First, prep your eye lid with urban Decay's Primer Potion. I like to use this in all of my looks, because it keeps you eye makeup on forever, or until you take it off!

Next, take Orb from Mac Cosmetics and put it all over the lid. Its a really light tan color, its great for a simple base.It can also be put all over the lid with a swipe of mascara to create a cute look that's easy if your running late. It's a lighter color, which isthing that I love about this look is that it starts with a really light color, and we keep layering darker and darker colors.

Then put modelette in the crease. Don't put a lot in, because there is much more layering to be done in the crease after this! This is one of my favorite Mac eyeshadows, it's a great brown because it's not too light that it doesn't really make a difference, but it's not overly dark either.

Next, take Orb from Mac Cosmetics and put it all over the lid. Its a really light tan color, its great for a simple base.It can also be put all over the lid with a swipe of mascara to create a cute look that's easy if your running late. It's a lighter color, which isthing that I love about this look is that it starts with a really light color, and we keep layering darker and darker colors.
Then put modelette in the crease. Don't put a lot in, because there is much more layering to be done in the crease after this! This is one of my favorite Mac eyeshadows, it's a great brown because it's not too light that it doesn't really make a difference, but it's not overly dark either.
Now to the same thing with Naked Lunch, just keep layering it up towards the eyebrow. But there is no need to go all the way to the eyebrow! Unless you want to of course...
Next slightly out Patina on top of that, and by putting it on top I don't mean completely covering up Patina, just keeping bringing the look towards the eyebrows. (But you don't have to go nearly that high!)
And finally, take cork and put on the final layer, and put some in the inner corner if you want. That creates a darker look, but I preferred to keep it light so I didn't put it in the inner corner. Try to keep the eye look as light as possible, so the lips will really pop.
And to finish off the eyes, you need some long black lashes! The best mascara to do this with is Mac False Lashes. It is the best mascara to get the long black dramatic lashes!
Then, to top it off with a bold lip, use Tart Fiery Matte Lip Tint. This is amazing! It is a deep bright red, it works better than any other lipstick I have ever tried... I suggest that to get a really neat line, use a lip brush, because the tip of the lip tint is rather thick. If you want to make it glossy you can add some lip gloss on top, because this is really matte.
Comment and tell me what your favorite lip product is to create a bold red lip! And follow us already is you already haven't!