Hello Readers!
I recently got a request to do a post on stylish shoes, that are okay for people with flat feet (which means no flats) and people with big feet. First off, sometimes people think that shoes get uglier the bigger the shoe size. That's not true, sometimes the shoes can look a little different, but that doesn't mean they are ugly! Second, some people think that if you can't wear flats to school that the only other thing there is is sneakers. Thats also not truw. So here are some shoes that have great support but are also super stylish!
If you want I also suggest you look up the Bahama style! These also come in many different colors and prints.
I am actually friends with this person who requested this post. So I instantely imagined her in these converse. Converse are kind of in the middle, they aren't a flat, but they aren't excersizing sneakers. I like converse because they come in great bright colors and you can alo design your own!
If you want to know about more styles of shoes just comment and tell me and I would be happy to do it! Also feel free to request other posts!
--Glitter Girl
Ok! And thank you so much... and i think i might be able to convince my parents to get me sperrys now!
~Sans G. :} :} ;} ;} <3
Check out my blog! http://crazybusybeautifulme.blogspot.com/ I have simlilar stuff to this! Help me get more viewers!
I'm glad I helped! Feel free to request more posts! I would be happy to do them!
--Glitter Girl
Sure! I'll check it out.
--Glitter Girl
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