Almost everyone sometimes has to dress p
rofessionally So today I am going to show you a great look! I have been looking around, and I think I have found some things that might work. So first is this black stretch skirt. It isn't too short, (falls about a inch above my knees) and it looks great. This would look great because it looks very p
rofessional, it's black, so you could wear a colorful blouse with it, and it would go with those glittery shoes I posted about in my last post.

So as I said I like that skirt because I could add a colorful blouse with it. I've looked at some blouses and this one is probably my favorite. I would probably roll up the sleeves and tuck it into the skirt, but overall I think this would give it a very feminine look. This yellow would also go with the gold shoes.
If you saw my last post you saw that I got this pair of shoes. I would put these shoes with the outfit just to give it something extra. Sometimes people thing that when you have to look professional that means no glitter. Well, thats wrong. Glitter can look very proffesional if it's used carefully.
I hope you liked this post! Feel free to comment and tell me what you think!
--Glitter GIrl
I like the shoes! Gives a nice pop to a simple outfit! I am seeing them everywhere lately!
Side note: I tagged you to do a Get to know Me tag! =D
Thank you Ari! If you want to get them they are are designed by Vera Wang, and you can buy them at Kohls!
--Glitter Girl
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