Thursday, April 18, 2013

Simple Smokey Eyes With Urban Decay Naked Basics

As promised, I am finally posting the exclusive tutorial using the UD naked basics palette. I love this palette; it saves me so much time in the morning. I can create beautiful neutral looks or a base for my look with it. Keep reading to see how I accomplished this look!   Begin by priming the eyes with a yellow base. This will complement any eye color. Cut the crease for a distinct line. Make sure to use a smaller brush for added precision. Line the upper lash line and waterline with a matte black. I decided to use a powder instead of a pencil or liquid eyeliner for a softer, smoked out look. The last step is the lashes. I used my triple mascara technique so I wouldn't have to use false lashes. Start by applying a...

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Bright Eyes For Spring + Marilyn Monroe Trick

Happy Spring! Spring is the perfect time to start bringing out the brighter colors. I wore this look on a shopping trip with some friends and received a ton of good feedback on it! I feel like if I put more time into eyeshadow with colors, people tend to recognize it more than time spent on neutrals. Seriously, the professional at Sephora was going nuts over this.. Keep reading to see how I achieved it! Is it just me, or is this a pop of color? I feel like it is the perfect way to branch out into brights.   Yes, I went back into the Marilyn Monroe makeup basics. Her classical look an be adapted into just about anything! We know what she is thinking there.. Might as well add a speech bubble. I went a little bit overboard...

Monday, April 8, 2013

Cat Prints? Sign me up!

I just got the best email ever. My day has been made. Forever 21 just emailed me about cat prints! I am absolutely in love with cats. Now I can let my inner cat quirkiness out without being out of style?!? What am I going to do with myself... Tell me in the comments what unique print/trend to be in next!   Perfectly Pink &nb...

Monday, March 25, 2013

Haul & New Picture Background

Is it just me, or is the thrill of shopping the best feeling in the world? I am back again with yet another haul. This one is different than most because there is something new about the pictures. I attempt to deliver the best quality of pictures I can, but it usually involves a white background. These are slightly tweaked compared to my old ones! Enjoy the view! :) The first product I purchased was MAC's Antiqued Diamond Paint Pot. I have had my eye on this for a while but never got the chance to buy it. Expect some tutorials coming soon! I was looking through my collection as I reorganized it and realized that I was missing a key staple. Yes, I did not have Satin Taupe in my collection (Cue the shocked gasps). Can we...

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring Cleaning

Happy Spring! I was going through my collection yesterday and noticed that there were quite a few products that I haven't used in a while. I typically reorganize my collection every few weeks; it is one of the few things that I can successfully keep in order! I rearrange the products, but I have never taken out everything all at once. And that doesn't include my MAC individual eyeshadows. I thought that it would be easy... I was wrong. It may have been simpler if I didn't create one of my "oh so ambitious" plans. Like I said before, there are a lot of products that I don't use because I forget about them. I knew that there had to be another way to keep track of the products, so I decided to just go for the most...

Sunday, March 17, 2013

How To Make Lipstick Out of Crayons

Happy St. Patrick's Day! I was messing around in the kitchen and found a box of crayons. I saw the non toxic, paraben free claims on the box. This made me think, which is never a good sign... Plenty of pigment, no harsh chemicals... It sounded like a lipstick! Keep reading to see how I attempted this! Begin by collections your materials. You will need coconut oil for the base, olive oil for the shine, and crayons. Also make sure to have a spoon handy. The first color I wanted to create was a soft coral. To get the perfect combination, I started off with Tickle Me Pink. The other color that I added in was Burnt Orange. This gave me a mixture of cool and warm tones.   Next, light an old candle. I would recommend using...

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Purple and Pink Pop

Hello Again! If you saw my latest haul, then you may know I purchased a few things from MAC. I picked up a color that I did not have: Vibrant Grape. This beautiful shade of purple is so much fun to work with. I loved the opaque finish that this product had. Keep reading to see how I created this look! Start by applying Vibrant Grape to the lid with a flat shader brush. I love how buildable this color is; you can really work it up to the opacity that is needed. Make sure to apply a little bit to the lower lash line as well.           Next, find a bright pink to apply to the crease. I chose Sushi Flower by MAC to go along with the purple.make sure to blend this out very well to smoke it out.     Due...

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Forever 21 and MAC Haul!

I'm Excited. Then again, when am I not excited? I am on a super excitement energy high, aka, a shopping high. I haven't purchased any "large" quantity of things at once in a while. I am in love with every single thing that I purchased; keep reading to see what I got! The first product that I purchased was Vibrant Grape from MAC. I couldn't believe that I didn't have this color already! I love fun colors that can be used as a base for a soft smokey look. This will be so much fun for the upcoming spring and summer seasons.   The next color from MAC is Girlie. I purchased this to wear along with Vibrant Grape as a highlight. I am going to apply this to the inner half of the lid, Vibrant grape on the rest of the lid, and then...

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